Parliamentary proceedings

I hope the title of this blog doesn’t turn you off but keep on reading and please enjoy my photos…..

I manage the gardening team at Parliament House in Canberra and we have nine hectares of amazing Australian native gardens (I’m not biased at all). Over the past week or so I have found some interesting bird activities and managed to take a range of photos so I hope you enjoy them and visit the Shop Prints page because some are available to purchase.

Spotted pardalotes - I have managed to find two pardalote burrows and one of my team told me about another. Spotted pardalotes are a small brightly coloured bird and they make their nest in burrows in earth banks or mounds. At this time of year they are busy collecting grass and small foliage for the nests and they will soon lay eggs. I have set up my tripod and camera outside two of the burrows to watch them coming and going during the day. These are a fascinating bird and one of my new favourites.

Superb Fairy Wrens - we have lots of superb fairy wrens in the gardens and the males are a bright blue little bird that get around with several not so coloured females. They dart in and out of shrubs and so can be hard to photograph because they move so quickly.

Seagulls and Ravens - we have had a large flock of seagulls nesting in the front forecourt at Parliament House and this is the 2nd year they have decided to make Parliament their home. They have commenced laying eggs and this year before the eggs were laid, we covered the Grevillea plants on a small island in the forecourt with a large white cloth cover in an attempt to try and stop them settling in. Ravens have been coming now and taking the eggs. I managed to capture one taking an egg and then eating it on a wall nearby.


Lockdown blues…...


Wrens at the Wetlands