Christmas Island…..

In the last week of November, I travelled to Christmas Island for a 10 day holiday with a friend. Christmas Island is situated south of Jakarta in the Indian ocean and is an Australian Territory. It is called the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean and we soon found out why. The main industry there is phosphate mining and 63% of the Island is National Park. There are several different species of crabs including the famous red crab, blue crab and Robber Crab. There are a diverse range of sea birds of which many are endemic to the island. These include the Frigate birds, Boobys and the beautiful Golden and Silver Bosuns (Tropic birds). The climate is tropical and very humid with a wet and dry season. We arrived at the beginning of the wet and missed the red crab migration by about a week or two. Initially I was disappointed by this but in hindsight, we wouldn’t have seen as much of the island because of the road closures when 1000’s of crabs cross over the roads, heading for the sea to spawn. If you are into wildlife and particularly birds and sea life, then Christmas Island is a place you need to visit. I took a lot of photos but here are some that I hope you enjoy.


Amazing Grebes……


Yathong 2022…….