Quolls at Mulligans Flat

The Spotted Quoll is an Australian marsupial that once roamed most of the Australian mainland and Tasmania but almost became extinct due to feral pests such as cats and foxes. They are now being reintroduced into protected reserves in various locations across Australia. One such reserve in the Australian Capital Territory is called Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve. This reserve is enclosed by a feral animal proof fence and all of the cats and foxes have been removed. The Spotted Quoll was reintroduced into this reserve and is increasing in numbers. The Quoll is a nocturnal carnivore that kill and eat a variety of prey, including gliders, possums, small wallabies, rats, birds, bandicoots, rabbits, insects and reptiles. They are the size of a domestic cat and are similar in appearance to the Tasmanian Devil but with white spots. There have been several sightings of the quolls in the past fortnight during the day which is unusual.

I have been looking for these creatures for a couple of years and have spent many hours in Mulligans Flat with no success of a sighting. On the 27th May 2024 I was lucky enough to see my first quoll and have now seen them on two more visits to the reserve. One of the Quolls I have seen has a bad left eye and I have seen this on two of the three occasions.

I have taken photos which I hope you enjoy and have also included some of the other animals found in the Mulligans Flat reserve.


Wedge-Tailed or Sea Eagle Chick?

